Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lines of the Day

"I'm surprised you went up to cover the Republicans, considering your leanings. I know you're friendlier with the Democratic side."
-- Rep. Dennis Wood (R-Kimberling City), to me after noting my recent trip to Iowa to cover the G.O.P. presidential candidates.
"Two of the primary internet outlets for political news in Sprngfield (spelling in original text) are the SNL and the KY3 Political Blog. Each blog has shown an occasional backbone on taking on the craziest GOP nonsense, but for the most part they skew to the right. One thing is for certain, both of these entities go out of their way to prop up some pretty weak local GOPs."

--Ozarks Politics, a left-leaning blog, in a recent round of posts about our coverage of Republicans.

1 comment:

Branson Missouri said...

Yo, have you listened to the audio clips of Wood I posted last month? A lot of criticism of the Springfield press .... Seems to be a part of the Republican platform of late. We were the exception.

Branson Missouri