#134 District Rep. Jim Viebrock has pre-filed two bills that should be familiar, at least to some of his constituents.
HB46 stems from the Zobel horse case. The bill prohibits larger farm animals from being impounded until the State Vet has determined the animal is seriously ill or "in imminent danger of loss of life." If the animal is taken into custody, it requires the authority make a good effort to notify the owner. Viebrock proposed the same bill last session and it died.
HB76 makes the use of a wireless electronic recording device in a polling place an election offense. Viebrock has taken two previous stabs at passing this bill.
HB 76, does this mean I won't be able to call my buddy to see how I should vote on, let's say, Amendment 7.
Or does this mean that I take a photo of my ballot to give to my local political boss to get paid for my vote. I thought that was what the little sticker was for.
Once again I agree with BJ, we don't need more laws, just better enforcement of the ones we got.
If the state vet will drive over west of Billings he will find several trailer loads of turkeys that are "in imminent danger of loss of life".
I like the idea, Dave, on periodically looking at specific legislators and what they are doing in Congress.
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