Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pollsters Score Well in '06

More evidence that all-in-all the pollsters did pretty well this election cycle with their mounds of data and piles of numbers . . .

The Wall Street Journal has a nice look back at the U.S. Senate races, and how close each pollster came to the final result.

In Missouri, Mason-Dixon, Rasmussen and Reuters-Zogby tracked pretty well with the final result. SurveyUSA gave Claire McCaskill a generous lead weeks before the election that not even Democrats believed.

Still, race by race, the major pollsters delivered solid performances. also offers a nice summary of the results.

***Also, as a sidenote, as you can see, I've been trying to publish more pictures to spice up the blog. During the last week of the campaign, I tried to snap some pics at different campaign stops. But of course, I didn't have time to publish them. So, here they are. As you can also see, I'm just an amateur photographer. But as I continue to cover politics and politicians, I'm going to try to take my camera with me and snap as many images as possible to be posted here. We'll see how it works. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

SCz. said...

The pictures look nice and are a good idea, David.

Good job to the pollsters, too.