Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rep. Dixon Opposes 65% Plan, TABOR

Rep. Bob Dixon (#140th) responded to the Springfield Public Schools candidate survey by enclosing a similar survey he had already completed for the Missouri School Administrators Political Action Committee.

The following is the complete survey:

1. Do you favor tuition tax credits as defined in HB1783 for students in St. Louis and Kansas City area?

Rep. Dixon - I am opposed to the transfer of public funds -- as defined by the courts -- to private schools.

2. Do you favor a constitutional amendment that would increase school districts' bonded indebtedness ceiling from fifteen to twenty percent of the district's assessed valuation?

Rep. Dixon - Yes, I understand this would allow numerous districts to build much needed facilities and reduce overcrowding.

3. Do you favor mandated shoulder/lapbelts in all Missouri public school buses?

Rep. Dixon - No, I support local control in word and deed. Local districts can be and should be trusted to keep kids safe as well as educate them.

4. Are you in favor of allowing Missouri public school students to attend any school they may desire, regardless of where they reside?

Rep. Dixon - No. How would districts be able to plan, budget, hire, levy taxes, etc. with any sense of accuracy. Best to move if one wants to change schools.

5. Are you in favor of restricting the starting date for Missouri public schools?

Rep. Dixon - Yes, but I favor very generous/flexible opt-out guidelines and even a date range rather than one specific way. Balance here with the needs of tourism industry will be key.

6. Are you in favor of a law requiring school districts to spend at least 65% of revenues on specific instructional categories?

Rep. Dixon - No. This violates districts' rights to spend dollars they collect as they best see fit. Again, I believe the best decisions are those made closest to home.

7. Are you in favor of limitations or restrictions on administrative salaries?

Rep. Dixon - No. Free market and local boards should decide these issues. Although I can see efforts to tie administrator and teacher pay together. Rising tides lift all boats.

8. Are you in favor of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) legislation that would restrict state spending?

Rep. Dixon - No, I am opposed to TABOR.

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