Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lampe Undecided on Tobacco Tax

Rep. Sara Lampe said she is undecided on a ballot initiative that would raise state tobacco taxes in order to pay for healthcare and anti-smoking programs.

"It's a toss up. It's a really tough one for me," said Lampe in a recent interview.

Lampe wrestles with Amendment 3 because of who she believes it will disproportionately impact. She believes the tax will burden the poor and low-income residents.

"I wish they didn't smoke, but I know their lives can be terrible," Lampe said. "Some people get in their car and go to Eureka Springs for the weekend. People in poverty can't do that but they might buy a pack of cigarettes. That's the only satisfaction or pleasure they get."

Republican challenger Steve Helms opposes Amendment 3 for philosophical reasons.

"I believe taxation should be fully fair and impartial and I think when we get overtaxing in one area, it's like the majority is saying, 'there's enough of us, and we're going to take it from you,'" Helms said.

Helms agrees with Lampe that the poor will be hurt most by a tobacco tax. But Lampe is also cognizant of the burden smokers have on an expensive and ever-growing healthcare system.

"When smokers come to the hospital and ask for their lives to be saved. That's a tough one for me," she said. "I don't know what I'm going to do."

For more on the Amendment 3, click on the links below:

FOR the Tobacco Tax

AGAINST the Tobacco Tax


Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

citizenkan- Those with moral outrage will not vote for this either. Some of the money has the chance to go to Planned Parenthood and they can use more donation $$ for abortions instead of using it for their general health services. This is why it has failed in the past and will fail again. Plus I think most Missourians are against sin taxes.

The Libertarian Guy said...

No taxpayer dollars should ever go to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, or public broadcasting... and that's just the tip of my personal "no soup for you" list.