Sunday, September 03, 2006

Talent Ad Gets Tough

In his first combative television ad of the campaign, Senator Jim Talent is attempting to paint Claire McCaskill as too liberal for Missouri.

After a slew of positive advertisements focusing on his bi-partisan credentials, the Talent campaign has launched a new ad this week directly questioning some of McCaskill's positions.

"Jim Talent is fighting for our values," the announcer says.

The ad then goes on to tout 4 issues:

-Talent's "tough anti-meth law"
-Border security
-Protection of traditional marriage
-Calls to eliminate estate, or "death tax"

"And Claire McCaskill?," the announcer intones, as the ad fades to a gloomy black and white color.

"McCaskill called Howard Dean her hero . . . Opposed the gay marriage ban . . . Opposed border fencing . . . Opposed Terrorist Surveillance . . . And she wants to keep the death tax . . . So who's really on our side?"

The McCaskill campaign says Talent is distorting McCaskill's positions. Here is how spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh responded:

On Howard Dean: McCaskill applauded Dean for being the first candidate to channel the energy of the online community as a solid fundraising base.

McCaskill did call Dean her hero, but she also said she wouldn't have voted for him for President. Here's the full quote: "I look at Howard Dean and he will always be my hero. I wouldn't have voted for him for president, but he's my hero cause he raised $20 million on an $89 average contribution."

On Gay Marriage Ban: McCaskill does oppose a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. She said she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman, but said there is no need to amend the constitution.

On Border Fencing: McCaskill said she supports using a border fence and additional agents to protect the borders, but also calls for a more comprehensive package. She has said the current border patrol isn't fully funded.

On Terrorist Surveillance: McCaskill said she had concerns about the legality of domestic surveillance by the Bush administration. She said she doesn't have a problem with giving the President the proper tools to listen in on terrorists, but said the law needs to be changed.

On the Death Tax: McCaskill supports making exemptions to the estate tax for farmers, but not repealing the entire thing.

On its face, there is nothing outright untrue in Talent's ad. He has promised to make this campaign about clear choices. As we head into the homestretch of the campaign, Talent has fired the first tough TV ad against his opponent. These two certainly have differences on some of the big issues. Whether or not the ad is misleading, you can decide.


Betty B. said...

Claire's position on the issues to me seems well thought out and responsive to concerns for national security, while looking out for the needs of working families, senior citizens, the disabled, and families and children who are affected by poverty in this nation of plenty.

Jim Talent has voted to take billions of dollars from the Social Security Lockbox and spend it on a fiasco of a war in Iraq. I don't know about you, but I'm depending in large part on social security having paid into it for 40 years. I have contributed more than enough to generate a retirement income, had it been invested wisely and not squandered elsewhere. This is nothing short of stealing. Does the next generation want to pay for my needs? I would guess not.

Jim Talent's voting record is available at for both his Senate votes and previous votes in the House of Representatives. He votes for the interest of big business and the wealthy.

If a "liberal" candidate will be there to go to bat for me as I enter my retirement years, I can only consider that to be a blessing.

Thank you to Claire for her dedication to public service. She has my vote.

The Libertarian Guy said...

Hey, show me girl...

I may have misread you in another post. My apologies. Anyone who's willing to color outside the two-party-only lines, is a rare, thinking individual.

That's why there are only two talking-head representatives in the Presidential "debates", btw... the duopoly parties conspire to keep "infidels" out, lest they confuse the public into believing there IS another choice. Look at the upcoming Talent/McCaskill slugfest - just the two of them, telling us how they'll have gov't run our lives for us.

Sad, isn't it?