Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Joe Pyles -- Can A Progressive Republican Win the 139th?

Joe Pyles, one of the three Republican candidates running in the 139th district, recently sent me an e-mail outlining some of his positions on some big issues facing Missouri.

Pyles says he'll vote for the stem cell initiative. Pyles says he favors increasing the minimum wage. Pyles also says he supports reforming the way license fee offices are being managed.

He says he's running "as the new face of the Republican Party" in the 139th. But will that new, more "progressive" or "moderate" face sell with G.O.P. primary voters?

Pyles on stem cells: "It does not increase spending, condone cloning or conflict with my pro-life beliefs. I know many people who suffer from seemingly incurable diseases. I cannot say no to these people."

Pyles on license bureaus: "We should not give out jobs in license bureaus as political rewards. License offices should be run at the lowest cost to Missourians. I do not think political appointed managers reach that goal."

Pyles on the minimum wage: "We have to protect wage earners from having the higher cost of gasoline passed on to them by reducing their wages and benefits. It is time to increase the minimum wage."

Pyles also points out that he did not move to the 139th district to run for the office and that he is not a "family legacy candidate."

Those are direct shots at his two G.O.P. opponents, Shane Schoeller and Karen Roark.

But when speaking to Republicans about this primary, the most common answer I get is . . . "I was afraid you'd ask me about that" or "don't ask me about the 139th."

One G.O.P. insider says Roark will win the seat. "Karen's a good organizer and is well-known. Shane could be pinned with the carpetbagger label," says the Republican.

This Republican says when Karen Roark announced she was running "it lifted some eyebrows," among party regulars, because Schoeller had expected to take over this seat because of his previous work for the G.O.P.

"He kind of had the rug pulled out from underneath him," says the strategist. "But because of the name and the organization, Karen will be tough to beat."

But Pyles - who some believe is running third in this field - wants us to believe he is in this race.

1 comment:

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

There seems to be a lot of GOP progressives in the ballot this year. Just goes to show you the GOP no longer represents the conservative Christian in Missouri. Soon Missouri will be just another moderate state with no values and no core beliefs. Standing on the fence is for cowards. I respect a left wing liberal because I know where they stand. Moderate is a code word for gutless.