Tuesday, July 25, 2006

WSJ: Talent Up By 4 Points

More good news for Sen. Jim Talent from the Wall Street Journal . . .

The latest Zogby poll gives the junior Senator a 4-point edge over Democrat Claire McCaskill.

Talent 49%
McCaskill 45%

Despite violence in the Middle East, an ongoing war in Iraq, rising gas prices and a controversial position on stem cells, Talent has been able to maintain his lead in the Zogby poll.

The analysis: Just one percentage point separated the candidates in the initial months of Zogby polling, but Talent has maintained a lead of at least 3 points in each poll since January.
Still, his lead is within the margin of error.


Takes two wings to fly straight said...

As long as a poll is within the margin of error it means little other then the race is too close to call. The intresting news here is that only 6% claim to be undecided and the election is still months away. History shows those undecided on election day tend to break 2 to 1 for the challenger. McCaskill would prefer more undecided. I wonder how the question was posed. That can impact the undecided number based on how it is phrased. (who would you vote for today as oppposed to who do you expect to vote for in November). It would also be interesting to learn how many of the voters strongly support their candidate and how many only lean in favor of a candidate.

Takes two wings to fly straight said...

Lot's of Missouri voters consider Talent's support for the war in Iraq, his support of big oil, his opposition to stem cell and the loyal, if not blind, support for the President are more then enough to make them angry.

Takes two wings to fly straight said...

Reason for voters to be mad at Talent:
1)his opposition to stem cell
2) his support for the war in Iraq
3)his support for tax breaks for big oil at a time in which oil profits are at a all time high
4)his blind allegiance to the President
5) His failure to even suggest reforms or change to address corruption in Washington.