As some key Democrats line up against a surge of troops into the increasingly dangerous war zone, Sen. Bond is urging Republicans to support President Obama's call for more troops.
Bond said the Afghan army does need to expand, but more U.S. troops and resources also are needed. "It is critical that, in my own party, Republicans support President Obama in the fight against terrorists," Bond said.
"While the President has used this week to pitch health care reform, I hope that, after reflecting on the anniversary of the September 11th attacks, he will refocus his attention and that of the American people on achieving victory in Afghanistan," Bond added. "We Republicans must demonstrate that politics ends at the water’s edge and strongly support the strategy the President laid out for victory in Afghanistan. Let us avoid the politics we too often saw in Iraq – declaring defeat where our troops in theatre were fighting for their lives and our freedom; undercutting our President while he tried to help rally allies to join us in the battle," Bond went on.
Democratic House leaders are rumbling about widespread opposition to a new troop build-up, but in a statement, Congressman Ike Skelton urged his colleagues to "give our forces the time and resources they need to show progress in the fight against the enemies responsible for the attacks of 9/11."
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