Thursday, July 30, 2009

Emerson Fighting Possible Cuts in Mail Delivery

Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson has slipped language into the 2010 fiscal year spending bill that mandates six-day U.S. postal service, reports The New York Times.
To help solve rising postal deficits, some -- including the Postmaster General -- are suggesting that delivery service be cut back by one day a week.
In February, 7th District Congressional candidate Billy Long told The Notebook in an interview that he was for "reducing mail delivery." "I'd like to see mail delivered three days a week," Long said.
But Emerson favors cutting overhead and spending less on custom vehicles.
"I realize that the postmaster general thinks that this will save money, but there are other ways that they can cost-cut," Emerson said of the potential consolidations and closures. "My constituents feel very strongly about having their postal service continue as it always has."

The Times reports The Postal Service is also reviewing more than 3,200 postal stations and branches to see if they could be closed or their operations consolidated.

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