Friday, September 26, 2008

Baker Responds To Debate Over Debates

Kenny Hulshof's campaign for Governor said that negotiations between their team and Jay Nixon's campaign fell apart and an e-mail exchange posted by the KY3 Political Notebook Thursday occurred early in the process.
Hulshof spokesperson Scott Baker said that Nixon's camp did not originally want to agree to the September 11th Missouri Press Association Debate in Columbia.

"You'll notice that Oren's email says "Please confirm we're on the same page: September 11 at MPA: to be converted to a joint appearance. Candidates appear on stage separately, one after the other." Is that the way that event happened? No," Baker told the Notebook Friday.

"That's where the negotiations fell apart. They did not want the Sept. 11 event to be a debate. Ask Doug Crews with the MPA. They fought it tooth and nail. When it became clear that the event wasn't going to be as they wanted, the negotiations fell apart and that was it," he added.

Baker said that's the point where there was no agreement going forward.

"Bottom line - Jay Nixon is agreeing to only four debates - two in the middle of the day, one on high school football night in Southwest Missouri and another on a Saturday night. The question is - Why is that?," Baker asked.

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