The Democratic candidate said voters should not be fooled and should warn their friends about these "dirty, counterfeit pro-Page robo-calls," because state law does not required taped messages be identified by the sender. He said some people have complained about being called as much as nine times, as late as 3 a.m.
"This allows cowards to hide and this is why voters are losing faith in our electoral system," Page said. "I apologize to all who are the victims of this hoax."
"Media reports have suggested that those calls are coming from Page's Republican opponent," reads the Page release.
"A dear Republican friend called to apologize," Page said. "He assured me that this isn't the real Republican Party; unfortunately the dirty-trick wing has taken control, but not for too much longer. "I hope that is true," he said. This kind of corruption could bring down a great civilization."
1 comment:
Please know that the leading candidate for the Democratic spot for Missouri's Lieutenant Governor, Michael E. Carter, ceased robo calls on July 20, 2008 as part of our overall communications push.
Michael E. Carter is sorry to hear of these "apparent" Republican dirty tactics.
Please call us with any questions.
And, by the way, what do you think?
Lieutenant Governor Democratic Primary
Michael E. Carter 42%
Page 40%
Plattner 9%
Tolbert 4%
Williams 2%
Metzger 3%
We shall see. Upwards of 50,000 visits to Carter’s website could prove strong.
You tell me what’s realistic — and be realistic. You can hold me to it — free week’s lunches to the closest guess within, let’s say, 2%. I’ll leave it to you to contact me about the free lunches if you deserve ‘em.
Chad Carter
Chad Carter
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