McCallister met Hulshof at a fundraiser in Springfield a few weeks back. He met Steelman in Hartville during her RV tour Monday.
PLUS: The A.P's Lieb pens piece that seems favorable toward the Steelman argument. ALSO: Uber-strategist Jeff Roe pulls down the curtain, offers tidbits about the strategy behind the bus tour . . .
***She's stopping in each of the 47 counties with the largest number of likely G.O.P. voters . . . Two days before each visit, those voters get an automated call . . . Fewer than 1 percent show up, but the calls themselves are a goal
Excerpts from McCallister's e-mail:
"Hulshof never really impressed me. He tried to spin things on ethanol that I new better. Such as we would have to import 300,000 plus barrels of oil and I told him repealing the mandate would NOT stop production. ethanol was still going to be made. It would curb speculation thus making corn more affordable for the refineries . . .
"Anyway, he said he seen what I was trying to say, but my impression is he is part of the Republican status quo and only looks to the party for answers. He never once says HIS vision for Missouri.
"Steelman was way more impressive today (in Hartville). She seems to know where she wants to take the state on many topics. She seems truly concerned on all parts of the economy but with an ear to the people not just the Republican elitists."
Why not post the entire e-mail?
Because parts were not relevant to the issue of ethanol. And part had to do with a suggested debate question that we'd like to keep confidential.
I think that this guy has it right, and he shows that he can think for himself!! I Love it! It is speculation that is hurting us, and it comes from mandates like this one. It will not stop production, but they try to make it sound like all or nothing. IF it wasn't mandated and it stopped, then that may be the right thing to have happen in the market.
Thanks David. That makes sense.
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