Sunday, July 13, 2008

Carr Endorses Hobbs For Circuit Clerk

Longtime retired Greene County Clerk Mike Carr has endorsed Brooke Hobbs for his old job, over the current appointed officeholder Steve Helms.
Hobbs is battling Helms and Peggy Kubicek in a 3-way primary for the Republican nomination for Clerk to be decided August 5th. There is no Democratic primary.
Hobbs served under Carr for five years before she left to work in a private law firm. "It is with great pleasure I am supporting Brooke Hobbs as my replacement as Greene County Circuit Court Clerk," writes Carr in his endorsement letter.
"She wisely used her college degree to develop exceptional legal knowledge and communication skills. Brooke and I have discussed her desire to return to the Circuit Clerk's office and I encouraged her to seek election to the office upon my retirement," Carr added.
"I am asking that you please vote for Brooke so the public can have a well-qualified leader as your Circuit Clerk," Carr said.
Hobbs said Carr's endorsement is an honor and credited him with teaching her the rules and procedures of the court.
"As a full-time Circuit Clerk, Mike was in the office each day performing the responsibilities of the office and working with a changing group of Circuit Judges for 35 years to manage the Judicial System. I plan to follow his example as your full-time Circuit Clerk," Hobbs said.
"My goal is to restore the high standards he had for the office and the respect he had for the Circuit Clerk staff. I will work each day in my commitment to have a productive, professional Circuit Clerk office," she added.
Restore the high standards? Have they been lost since Helms took over?


Smile said...

I would be one to venture that Helms doesn't stand a chance over somebody that actually has credentials for the position rather than a failed house campaign appointed to the position.

Seriously, an appointee from a lame duck Governor that got absolutely smashed in his election (in a republican district) doesn't bode well for anybody.

Mike Carr said...

Please allow me the opportunity to explain why I am firm in my support of Brooke Hobbs as my elected replacement for Greene County Circuit Clerk.

Most people do not understand the intricate workflow of the judicial system. The Circuit Clerk must have a strong understanding of the flow, as well as be able to teach the office staff, so that the public can be served efficiently and knowledgably.

I worked at the office counter, along side my staff, for 35 years. For 5 of those years, Brooke Hobbs worked by my side and learned from me.

I made myself available in this regard to the current office holder, Mr. Helms. He did not take advantage of the opportunity to learn about the office. Mr. Helms was quoted as saying, “it’s not rocket science."

A number of attorneys have recently expressed to me their concern about the lack of professionalism and knowledge in the Circuit Clerk's office under Mr. Helms.

I made a 35-year career of being Greene County's Circuit Clerk and was a full time servant to the citizens. Mr. Helms, the current office holder, has chosen to maintain his insurance agency making him unavailable to focus solely on providing judicial service to the citizens of Greene County.

I am proud to support Brook Hobbs. Brook already has the knowledge to assist the public and attorneys in processing paperwork through the judicial system. Her five years experience of working with me and learning from me, as well as 10 years experience working in the private legal sector, make her the only candidate qualified for the job of Circuit Clerk.

Greene County needs a Circuit Clerk who can provide full-time, knowledgeable service from day one. Brooke Hobbs is the only candidate capable of providing that service to the citizens of Greene County.

Springfieldian said...

It seems odd (if this is considered to be fair journalism) that the KY3 Political Notebook blog gives links to Brooke Hobbs' web page and to Peggy Kubicek's campaign page. But there is no link to Steve Helms' campaign page for Circuit Clerk. Here is a site for Steve Helms: