Politics: Democrats
Joe Smith doesn't think Hillary Clinton's position on the war in Iraq is any better than President Bush's. In the same week, he heard Clinton talk about the need "to get out of Iraq" he also heard her speak about notable progress being made in certain areas.
"The issue is about American lives being lost," says Joe. "That's not going to be any better than George Bush."
Smith says he's old-fashioned and wants a presidential candidate who will care about balancing the budget. But says Joe: "There are no Republicans anymore. No room for Nelson Rockefeller or even Barry Goldwater."
The only Republican that Joe could vote for in the current field of '08 contenders is John McCain. That's when his wife, Diana, intervenes.
"No, he scares me," she says.
"I don't agree with him on everything, but I respect him," he responds.
"He sold out to Bush," she replies.
And so, even the politics in the house of a man named Joe Smith is not simple.
Joe seems more disappointed in Hillary, than anything else. "I don't know where she is anymore, she appeases more than McCain," he says.
Then again, "If the Republicans put up (Mitt) Romney, Hillary looks great," he adds.
But Joe seems much more open to voting for a Republican than his wife. Diana hasn't voted for a Republican since 1980, when "they took equal rights for women out of their platform."
She's looking for more radical change this time around, and Hillary doesn't fit the bill. She's looking at John Edwards or Barack Obama to serve as that change agent.
"She's compromised too much," Diana says of Clinton. "On the flag burning issue, on her support of Israel."
Still, if Hillary wins the nomination, both Joe and Diana won't be sitting home.
"I'll hold my nose and vote for Clinton," Diana says.
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