Tuesday, June 05, 2007

GOP Round 3: It's McCain, In A Sleeper

The third Republican presidential debate wasn't as memorable or as fun as the first two.

Possibly because the candidacy of Fred Thompson is looming in the room.

Maybe because these things are just starting to sound the same.

But the early read is that John McCain came out the winner in a sleepy debate in New Hampshire.

I watched this debate with journalists and politicos from around the country at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The following is a synopsis of the major moments:

*John McCain said he didn't read the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq. Sam Brownback said he couldn't remember reading it either.
*Mike Huckabee gets the first laugh of the night, saying he's also from Hope, Ark., so "Give us one more chance."
*McCain gets the first big applause of the night for criticizing Hillary Clinton for calling Iraq "Bush's war."
*But Libertarian Ron Paul also gets nice applause for saying we should leave Iraq as soon as possible.
*Huckabee makes the first mention of Ronald Reagan.
*Mitt Romney said Democrats don't think there's a War on Terror.
*"We're becoming a bilingual nation, and it's not good," said Tom Tancredo.
*"He's a friend," Romney said of McCain during a debate on immigration.
*McCain said for the country to do nothing on illegal immigration is defacto amnesty.
*While Rudy Giuliani reacts to a Catholic Bishop's criticism of his abortion views, the audio goes bad, possibly because of lightning striking? Eerie stuff. Candidates back away from the stage -- and Giuliani. Funniest moment of the night.
*Defending his evolution position, Huckabee said he is not going to rewrite 8th grade textbooks, "I'm running for President."
*Facing his first question on his Mormon faith in a debate, Romney said he would not distance himself from his church.
*Rudy Giuliani said it is not the time to change the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy on gays in the military.
*Sam Brownback said that Bill Clinton is not serving an appropriate role as a past President.
*Tancredo said he wouldn't use Bush if he was President.
*Tommy Thompson said he certainly wouldn't send George W. Bush to the United Nations.
*Rudy thinks Scooter Libby's sentence is grossly excessive.
*Brownback and Tancredo said they would both pardon Scooter Libby.
*Standing up and speaking solemnly, John McCain had a moment, speaking to a woman who lost her brother in Iraq. The cutaway of the woman was powerful. McCain's answer to her was memorable for his campaign.
*On healthcare, Romney said he wants to talk to "people," not just conservatives.
*Huckabee noted it "looks like I'm getting all of the moral questions tonight."
*Mitt Romney acknowledges he has campaign ads running in Spanish.
*In another moment, McCain urges people to read Hispanic names on the Vietnam Wall Memorial in Washington. It was his emotional answer to a question about how immigrants have enriched American culture.

The postmortem here in Des Moines seemed to give McCain the victory . . . Although CNN insta-meters showed conservatives didn't like his answers on immigration.


EDIT 10:00 PM -- Conservatives certainly don't think McCain one. Arena of Ideas didn't take long to point out my disconnect with "real people." "Real people," you know . . . like conservative bloggers.

1 comment:

Matt said...

If I were scoring this debate, McCain would be the winner with Mike Huckabee (yes, Mike Huckabee) a close second. Romney turned in a good performance, although not as good as the first two debates.

McCain was on tonight. Most powerful moment of the debate came when he stood to address the sister of the soldier slain in Iraq. He also defended his views on immigration well.

Huckabee was able to show humor and eloquence (at times at the same time). Why hasn't this guy broken through somewhere? He is without a doubt the strongest of the "second tier".

Romney knocked the Mormon question out of the park. Quoting JFK was an excellent turn. Romney casted the broadest vision of any, talking in sweeping terms about the greatness and promise of America despite its problems. Romney is also positioning himself as the "anti-Washington" candidate, which is historically good for the GOP primaries.

Rudy did alright- the moment I'll remember regarding him is the "lightning moment"- he got to flash his humor. Still, this performance wasn't as good as South Carolina.

Tancredo came across angry, and Paul was...well, Paul. Tommy Thompson finally broke through on a health care question. It was like there were only four instead of ten in this debate- McCain, Huckabee, Romney, and Giuliani.

In sum, 1) McCain, 2) Huckabee, 3) Romney, 4) Giuliani, 5-10) Who cares?