Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Turner: Blunt Appointee Gave Thousands

Like no one else can, Randy Turner over at The Turner Report has dug up the political contributions of Gov. Matt Blunt's most recent appointment to the state Transportation Commission.

The appointee, Rudy Farber, is the first Newton County resident to ever sit on the board.

Turner doesn't question Farber's competence or ability. He's just keeping them honest, noting Farber's contributions to Blunt and other GOP interests.

Turner's money graph:

"Missouri Ethics Commission documents show Farber donated $1,200 to Matt Blunt on Dec. 2, 2005, $1,200 on Aug. 26, 2004, and $1,175 on March 14, 2003. All of those are the maximum amounts allowable at the time. Dorothy Farber contributed the same amount in 2003 and 2004, the documents show."

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