Sen. John McCain scored a come-from-behind win in the South Carolina straw poll today.
The politicos tell us that the results of this survey ain't that big of a deal. But isn't it notable how well Congressman Duncan Hunter did, and how Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee fell 64 votes behind Sen. Sam Brownback.
And what's the deal with Mitt Romney? The smart folks tell us he's in the top tier. But in every national and statewide poll I've seen, he's barely in double digits, and a guy named Newt trumps him often! Gingrich isn't running yet, but he picked up 33 votes in the straw poll.
Here are the S.C. straw poll results via The Hotline:
McCain 164
Rudy 162
Hunter 158
Brownback 85
Romney 80
Huckabee 21
Coulter comments at CPAC are outrageous.
Better check the wires, Mr. Catanese!
C'mon Snider! My problem is that I check the wires too often! Coulter's comments are ridiculous, and shouldn't be given credibility, period. I didn't want to draw attention to them in the first place.
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