Saturday, December 09, 2006

True or False?

The following is the list of the top 5 most probable Republican and Democratic nominees for President in 2008 in order of electability as of today.

1. John McCain
2. Rudy Giuliani
3. Mitt Romney
4. Newt Gingrich
5. Sam Brownback

1. Hillary Clinton
2. Barack Obama
3. John Edwards
4. Al Gore
5. Tom Vilsack

True or False? And why?

(I will do this periodically. These rankings are based on what I read, polling information and pure buzz. They are based on the likelihood that the candidate would be nominated if the election was held on this date. Nothin' scientific here folks, just plain ole' fun.)


SCz. said...

I see the top two in both categories as being accurately "electable." I am leery, though, of the possibility of Hillary being the most "electable" in her party and really leery of her being elected in '08!!

The Libertarian Guy said...

The bad news: In 2008, either a Republican or a Democrat will become our next President.

There is no good news.