Verizons Communications Inc. earlier this week sponsored a reception for McCaskill, according to the Journal.
The Journal notes:
For instance, receptions such as those being held this week, coinciding with the return of Congress for its lame-duck session, are prime networking opportunity for lobbying shops looking to hire Democrats, and aides looking to cash in on their new status.
Moreover, this year's packed schedule of fund-raisers and "debt reduction" events comes as incoming Democratic leaders tout a curb on the influence of lobbyists in Congress as a top priority when they take over next month.
Democrats are pushing to change lobbying rules after a string of scandals that tarnished Republican leaders and contributed to the defeat of several incumbents. Among the most notorious was that involving former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who financed elaborate trips and provided free dinners to lawmakers and key aides to win help for his clients.
The left-leaning Huffington Post certainly doesn't like the sound or smell of it all.
The buying and selling of pols will continue regardless of which party is in control. The real question will be how it is reported. The press always trade a certain amount of blindness for access and then feed us sound bites. I hope you keep us informed on who is throwing money at McCaskill and how much she is keeping.
It is good that Senator McCaskill got her vacation taken while the orientation and electing Senate officers was taken place, so she could get to Washington and concentrate on the important stuff like getting acquainted with the lobbyists. As boyd said, please keep us informed.
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