Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wait your turn, Senator

 CHESTERFIELD, Mo. (AP) - Jim Talent waits nearly an hour to cast
his vote at an elementary school in Chesterfield.
 The incumbent U-S senator said he has no regrets about how he
ran his campaign against Democrat Claire McCaskill. Surveys show
Talent and McCaskill in a statistical dead heat.
 Talent said he's been frustrated with having to run against the
record of others in his party, as voters have expressed displeasure
with President Bush and Republican congressmen. Talent thinks his
record -- not the records of other Republicans -- will matter most

1 comment:

Furyious said...

Jim Talent apparently had some insecurity in his own mind that his record was not sufficient to winning this election. He found it necessary to stoop to questionable, nasty, negative advertising against his opponent. If you have questions about his advertisements and how his ads were misleading see www.factcheck.org.