Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Talent Supporter Expresses Worry

This e-mail landed in my inbox after our KY3 U.S. Senate debate Monday. It's written by a Springfield Republican who supports Senator Jim Talent, and is hoping he wins re-election.

Great job on the debate. The panelists held up their end of the deal, I only wish the candidates did the same. As you know, I am a big fan of Sen. Talent. I've followed the guy since he was in the House. I voted for him in 2000, and in '02. That said, last night was the worst debate performance I've seen him have. He was off his game from the opening statement. It was like I was in "The Twilight Zone" watching this debate- that was not the Jim Talent I know. He looked tired and the only signs of life occurred when he attacked McCaskill.

Bottom line: McCaskill won that debate. If I were an undecided voter, Talent wouldn't have helped his cause with me. As a Talent supporter, I hope like heck that he'll be better on Wednesday night in KC. I really have a feeling- a hunch that this race is very much in play and that "Big 'Mo" as George H.W. Bush used to call it, is on Claire McCaskill's side. And that worries me.


Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

Kabby1 the democrats are the biggest abusers of checks and balances there ever was. When they loose an issue in the congress they use the courts to do their dirty work. So you are saddly mistaken on that!

The Libertarian Guy said...

You're asking for "accountability"... from Democrats?

I wouldn't trust them with OUR government, either. A power-hungry bureaucrat is the same, and it doesn't matter if there's an "R" or a "D" in front of his or her name.

I say OUR government b/c, in theory, it IS ours. In practice, it's been co-opted by perpetual Congressmen (Blunt) and rich neo-communists (Gore, Kennedy, Reid) who claim to be champions of the poor, yet fail to practice what they preach. Nancy Pelosi and her husband use exclusively NON-union labor, yet are plugged into a political machine that bends over forwards to appease the Teamster types. Hypocrites.

Well, at least we still have the freedom to express our opini- hey, wait... someone's knocking on my doo


"Stop or we'll shoot - oh, man, we killed another one..."

"That's okay, Tom... he was just another one of those 'free-thinkers'."

The preceding theoretical scenario brought to you by a future Hillary Clinton presidency. It is a work of fiction, intended for humorous purposes only. Possibly.

The Libertarian Guy said...

Bush uses "signing statements"... Clinton used "executive orders".

Neither one understood the idea of "more is not always a better thing".