Saturday, October 28, 2006

Post-Dispatch: Talent, McCaskill Deadlocked

Sen. Jim Talent and Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill are deadlocked in the race for U.S. Senate with just 9 days to go, according to the latest public poll published by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Sen. Jim Talent 47%
Claire McCaskill 47%

"The latest Research 2000 poll conducted for the Post-Dispatch and KMOV (Channel 4) found voters evenly split over whether to re-elect Talent or replace him with McCaskill. That's little different from earlier polls. Of the 800 voters polled last week, 47 percent favored Talent and 47 percent preferred McCaskill. Two percent supported Libertarian Frank Gilmour, and 4 percent were undecided," writes political reporter Jo Mannies.

Here's a breakdown of the numbers:

*Both Talent and McCaskill hit the magic 50% mark in favorability ratings. McCaskill hits 51%. Talent is at 50%

*Talent wins men by 6 points; McCaskill wins women by 8 points.

*The battle remains for independent voters. They are split in this poll: McCaskill 46%, Talent 45%.

*McCaskill wins the youngest and oldest voters. Talent takes ages 30 through 59.

*McCaskill wins the St. Louis suburbs; Talent takes north and southeast parts of the state, as well as Southwest Missouri. Talent wins the Ozarks 58%-36%. These numbers are not where Democrats believe McCaskill needs to be in order to win. Winning 36% here would be an underperformance from her Governor's race.

*The top issue determining people's votes is Iraq (29%). That is followed by terrorism (20%). Avoiding tax increases and healthcare are tied at 11%.

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