Monday, October 02, 2006

Mason-Dixon: Deadlocked at 43%

A brand new Mason-Dixon poll taken for MSNBC shows Missouri's U.S. Senate race deadlocked at 43%.

The survey taken last week also finds that 13% remain undecided (Maybe there are more of you out there than I thought?).

Talent 43%
McCaskill 43%
Undecided 13%

Sen. Jim Talent and Democratic challenger Claire McCaskill both receive similar favorability ratings in the poll and a majority 70% of respondents said they would be primarily voting FOR their candidate and not voting against the opposition or President Bush.

The top issue for respondents: Health care (21%), followed by Iraq (17%)

52% disapprove of President Bush. 62% disapprove of Congress. 57% believe the country is on the wrong track. 54% disapprove of the administration's Iraq policy. A staggering 70% express worry about the economy.

While the poll is full of bad numbers for Republicans and shows Talent's vulnerability, it also reveals that voters aren't yet ready to throw the incumbent out for McCaskill.

This poll was conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, Inc. of Washington, D.C. from September 24 through September 27, 2006. A total of 625 registered Missouri voters were interviewed statewide by telephone. All stated they were likely to vote in the November general election.

1 comment:

Big Red said...

I just wanted to chime in and log my two cents worth on the current MO Senate poll results. I think having Talent tied is truly a "worst case scenario," and that he'll pull through in the end.

I'd argue further that, even though it’s true that the Mason-Dixon poll shows that Democrats are either leading or tied in several key races, there’s still an 80.8% chance that the Republicans will retain control of the Senate (based upon Mason-Dixon‘s numbers):

The key is that, even though the Democrats may be up in several races, they must win NEARLY ALL of the them in order to gain control. That’s a pretty tall order.
