Saturday, September 09, 2006

W Raises Big Mo' For Talent

The President pulled in $600,000 for Sen. Jim Talent's re-election campaign tonight, according to the Kansas City Star.

Here's the A.P. story on the President's fundraiser for Sen. Jim Talent:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - President Bush spent less than two hours Friday at a private fundraising event for Sen. Jim Talent in an exclusive Kansas City neighborhood, while hundreds of supporters and protesters aired their opinions nearby. The reception was held at the Georgian-style home of Scott Ward, co-president of Russell Stover Candies Inc., the country's third-largest chocolate company. It was expected to raise about $600,000 for Talent's campaign against Democratic candidate Claire McCaskill in the closely watched Missouri Senate race, said Talent spokesman Rich Chrismer.

Read the whole story here.

Here's a great rundown from the KC Buzz Blog.

Remember, President Clinton is in St. Louis this morning for Claire McCaskill.

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