Sunday, July 02, 2006

Denison's Fundraiser Fallout

The Republican challenging Rep. Charlie Denison in Springfield's 135th district says rank and file members of the G.O.P are very embarrassed over a recent newsletter announcing a political fundraiser for the incumbent.

The Springfield News-Leader broke the story last week. "Party Talk," the Greene County Republican newsletter, listed a fundraiser for Rep. Denison hosted by Missouri State University and the Springfield school district. Public entities, like educational institutions, are prohibited from being involved in campaigns. Rep. Denison called the listing a mistake.

But his primary opponent in the 135th says he's not surprised. "Charlie has a history. Charlie's tactics are Charlie's tactics. I don't think this was an accident," Republican challenger David Dunn said. "In talking with Charlie's opponents in the past, this isn't a surprise to us. This is his M-O."

Dunn also went on to say that he's hearing from a good amount of Republicans who are upset over the ordeal. "They're very embarrassed, very embarrassed," Dunn told me.

Democratic strategist Nora Walcott says she's also heard Republicans are fuming over the error. "It's embarrassed the heads of the institutions, because the message to voters is basically that these groups are kissing off the Democrats," Walcott said. Walcott says the snafu has riled up some retired and active teachers in the system. "It's an appalling overlook of the rules," Walcott said. "And Republicans are upset at Charlie for letting it happen."

So the party honchos may be miffed, but will this lapse in judgment matter to voters who live off of Fremont or Montclair Streets?

Dunn says he's hitting the pavement hard, knocking on at least 800 doors in the district so far. "It's hard to take on an incumbent. We know we have a tough race," Dunn said. "We're going to win this primary by going to the grass roots of the party, going door to door."

Dunn could soon be coming to a door near you. He's planning more door-knocking Monday.


Anonymous said...

Rumor is folks are furious at Champion for getting involved on behalf of Dennison in this primary.

Anonymous said...

with baggage from the 2004 primary and now this Dennison could be in trouble. If he surivves the primary you wonder how many of the Republicans he has angered and embarrassed will choose t vote for Democrat Nancy Hagan.

Anonymous said...

You know if you read everything here you would believe that there is no way a Republican would stand a chance to win anything in any district in the state of Missouri.

Here is an equally important question.

Its great reading about all the dirty laundry from the Republicans, but when do we get to read all the Democratic dirty laundry? Or are they clean as the driven snow?

Anonymous said...

Charlie Denison is the only candidate worth considering in the Republican primary; he has stood up for our interests time and time again, as opposed to Dunn, who even worked for the other side in his past. Or are we ever going to hear anything about that in the headlines? I'll even give you the headline for the article if Dunn does win the primary: "Voters of the 135th choose between one Democrat or another." Give me a break.