In a statement released Friday, Central Methodist University president Marianne Inman said Nixon's budget would reduce Access Missouri scholarships to independent institutions by 38%.
Right now the maximum award for students at private schools is $4,600.
Nixon wants to change that to $2,850.
Under Nixon's plan, public school students using scholarships would see a 25% bump from $2,150 to $2,850.
"This is the equivalent of a tax increase for some lower-income families in our state," says Inman.
Inman says the average family income of Access Missouri recipients at 4-year private schools is about $1400 less than those at public schools. She also says private school students are more likely to complete their schooling in four years.
"If Gov. Nixon and the General Assembly are truly committed to helping working families, then they must protect Access Missouri as it currently exists so that Missouri students with demonstrated financial need have access to a college education in our state," says Inman.
"If Gov. Nixon and the General Assembly are truly committed to helping working families, then they must protect Access Missouri as it currently exists so that Missouri students with demonstrated financial need have access to a college education in our state," says Inman.
Independent College and Universities of Missouri local members include College of the Ozarks and Southwest Baptist University.
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