Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blunt Requests Food Stamp Extension

Gov. Matt Blunt today requested that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) waive its ten-day rule to file for replacement food stamps for Missourians in Ozarks counties that were hit by a devastating round of tornadoes last month.

Blunt requested the relief for those in Barry, Jasper and Newton counties. The extension would give people there until June 20, 2008 to request replacement food stamps.

“The effect of the storms that hit southwest Missouri in early May are still being felt by area residents,” Gov. Blunt said. “As families begin to repair and rebuild their homes and their lives, we want to ensure they have adequate time to request the replacement of these benefits.”

People who lost food purchased with USDA food stamp benefit program may call or come in to have their benefits replaced up to a maximum amount. The regulations call for this to be done within ten days; Blunt has asked for additional time.

Families may qualify to have their food stamp benefits replaced or be approved for the program if their net income does not exceed 100 percent of the federal poverty level, or $20,000 for a family of four.

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