Wednesday, October 03, 2007

G.O.P. Takes Video of "Nixon's Illegal Joyride"

The Missouri Republican Party has posted a video of Attorney General Jay Nixon, apparently using a state vehicle to attend a political event.

You can watch the YouTube video here.

The Missouri G.O.P. says the video shows Nixon using his official state vehicle while attending a fundraiser at the Club at Old Hawthorne golf course in Columbia on September 28. The video also calls into question Nixon's claim to a local newspaper that he'd conduct all his political work on weekends.

"Meanwhile, Nixon inconsistently claims that he doesn’t have to reimburse taxpayers for his illegal use of state resources at fundraisers because he’s attorney general “24/7,” although he supposedly reimburses the state for his questionable use of the state car to travel back and forth to his home in Jefferson City?," writes G.O.P. spokesman Paul Sloca in a release.

“Nixon is doing political work on weekdays though he said he wouldn’t. Nixon is issuing contradictory statements about when he has to reimburse the state and when he doesn’t," Sloca said.

Democrats claim the G.O.P. is just trying to distract people from questions about Gov. Blunt's e-mail policy.

"The Governor's hypocritical attacks are nothing more than an attempt to distract attention from the widespread criticism he's receiving for campaigning on the taxpayer's dime and for violating e-mail retention laws," said Ken Franklin, Executive Director for the Missouri Democratic Party.

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