Monday, July 23, 2007

CNNYouTube Debate: Biden Stands Out, But How Do You Beat Hil?

I put my HBO viewing on hold to watch the CNN-YouTube Democratic debate repeat.

Cool format, but some of the questions did get a tad ridiculous. Example: Would you be willing to work as President for the minimum wage?

I thought Sen. Joe Biden came close to winning the thing, for his knowledge, honesty, passion and forcefulness, but Hillary Clinton is so dang good at answering these questions. She never makes a mistake. And she bested Barack Obama on some of the big important questions, like negotiating with our enemies. And she made funnies! When a YouTuber asked her about the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton fatigue, she zinged that she had a problem with W. getting elected too. Not to say Obama didn't do his thing. But just being good isn't good enough anymore. I think these debates are making Clinton stronger and more likeable. But then again, Obama and Biden topped CNN's Instapoll, so what do I know? Barack Obama was right about one thing though: most people asking the questions seemed cynical about the candidates ability to change the country.

Here's what I learned:

  • Hillary Clinton wouldn't call herself a "liberal," but rather a "modern progressive."
  • If nominated, Joe Biden would pick Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel as his running mate, and consider tapping G.O.P. Sen. Dick Lugar as Secretary of State. John Edwards also thinks Hagel is a "good choice."
  • Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate who favors reparations for African Americans.
  • Clinton is proud to be running as a woman, but she's not running because she's a woman. And Edwards doesn't want the vote of anyone who won't vote for a black or a woman.
  • Edwards is on a personal journey on the issue of gay marriage, but still opposes it.
  • Joe Biden says the U.S. should send 2,5000 troops to Darfur to stop the genocide. Clinton says American troops don't belong in Darfur at this time.
  • Biden says if we started today, it would take one year to get 160,000 U.S. troops out of Iraq. Mike Gravel says soldiers in Iraq are dying "in vein."
  • Barack Obama says he'll talk with leaders from Iran, Syria, Venezuela and North Korea. Clinton says she won't promise to meet with those leaders in her first year, before knowing what their intentions are.
  • Bill Richardson wants all U.S. troops out of Iraq within 6 months -- no residual forces. Biden says that's impossible to do, and would risk the lives of American forces. Clinton says the most we could move out of Iraq at a time is about a brigade a month.
  • Richardson would completely scrap No Child Left Behind, and propose a $40,000 minimum wage for teachers.

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