Tuesday, July 10, 2007

2 Top Aides Resign from McCain Campaign

The beginning of the end -or- a fresh start?

Two top aides to Sen. John McCain are out. It's unclear if they were pushed.

Here's the statement from the Senator:

"Today, John Weaver and Terry Nelson offered their resignations from my presidential campaign, which I accepted with regret and deep gratitude for their dedication, hard work and friendship. Terry is a consummate professional, who has ably lead this campaign through a challenging political environment. John Weaver has been my friend and trusted counselor for many years and to whom I am greatly indebted. In the days and weeks ahead this campaign will move forward, and I will continue to address the issues of greatest concern to the American people, laying out my vision for a secure and prosperous America."


Matt said...

This means that running McCain's campaign is...McCain! In all seriousness, Weaver's departure is big and so is the departure of Mark Salter, who co-authored McCain's books with him- he is leaving the campaign. What does it mean? Nothing good for McCain.

20over30 said...

I think McCain's years as a POW are catching up with him...

doesn't Ron Paul have more cash on hand than McCain?