For the details surrounding Ferrell's resignation, click HERE.
"It's offensive that only after Gov. Blunt's attempts to cover up sexual harassment in his administration failed, did our governor finally fire Fred Ferrell," said Jack Cardetti, Missouri Democratic Party Spokesman.
"Had Matt Blunt taken sexual harassment in his administration seriously, he would have fired Fred Ferrell last May, instead of attempting to cover up this scandal.
"Matt Blunt must now explain why he knew about this sexual harassment since last May, and waited until his appointee became a political embarrassment to fire him," Cardetti said.
And not that we didn't expect this, but FiredUp Missouri is having a field day with the scandal.
I was going to say he looked like Dr. Smith from Lost In Space.
Let's face it, this guy is an uncouth morron who made it into government. Is anybody surprised?
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