Thursday, November 30, 2006

Political Potpourri

As you hunker down for the snow and ice, here are some notable political stories from other blogs/papers:

*Governor Blunt is pledging to take a brief fundraising holiday until the new campaign finance rules trigger into law. The Columbia Daily Tribune Politics Blog has the wrap.

*The State Salary Commission has made its recommendations for 2007 pay hikes for public officials. Now it will take a 2/3 majority vote by lawmakers to override what the commission is proposing. The Arch City Chronicle has obtained a Democratic memo on the issue.

*The Springfield News-Leader reports on Rep. Roy Blunt's meeting with local media. From what I can tell, not much news came out of this, other than that Blunt "intends to run again in two years." And oh yeah, that pork that local leaders love will continue to flow our way.

*Missouri House Democrats want a big boost in higher ed funding this legislative session. Here's the link, via from the Jefferson City News Tribune.

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