Sunday, September 17, 2006

That Other Debate . . . Montee vs. Thomas

Despite all the focus on Friday's first U.S. Senate debate of the campaign season, there was another debate between the four candidates for State Auditor.

Republican Sandra Thomas and Democrat Susan Montee went head-to-head in a battle over what should be the role of the state auditor, and how their priorities would be different.

Thomas, the Platte County Auditor, came out in support of a constitutional amendment that would force the auditor to be a certified public accountant. Buchanan County Auditor Montee opposes an amendment that would require the auditor to be a CPA. "I do think you should elect a CPA, but also an attorney," Montee said. Montee, of course, is both. She said being an auditor is more than just accounting for money. "It's about efficiencies, legal procedures and analysis," Montee added.

Montee promised to spend more time in rural counties, providing them with ways to better manage money with scarce resources. Thomas advocated having a more visible presence and "coming in" more often to counties with special circumstances.

Libertarian candidate Charles Baum and Progressive candidate Terry Bunker also participated in the debate, and spent most of their time articulating why the two-big parties can't be independent auditing the state.

Here are other quick takes on questions and answers, paraphrased and edited for space and clarity:

Q: Is there any way to work better with prosecutors when you find abuse?
Montee- Most of the cases aren't criminal. It's more a systematic problem. Some recent audit recommendations have not been followed. It's not a partisan thing, it's about working better with the press and legislators to let people know about the abuse.
Baum - The auditor should have more authority, not less, and be more forceful in shutting down a program with a history of abuse.
Thomas - The auditor needs to do a better job at making the recommendations known to the general public, through the press.
Bunker - The auditor needs to follow-up and make sure recommendations are carried through. Full disclosure is key. I'll make sure to eliminate the fraud as quickly as possible.

Q: Does the auditor have the legal authority to conduct performance audits?
Baum - I don't know if they have the legal authority, but they should.
Thomas - Politics has no place in the auditor's office and a lot of people have come to see performance audits as political audits. They need to benefit the state, not to be used for political purposes.
Bunker - I'd be an independent focused on performance audits. The auditor does not have enough authority. Performance audits are essential.
Montee - I believe the statutory authority exists. If we had a referendum, the taxpayers would come down on the side of performance audits. Much of the performance audits are triggered by press reports and they are an essential part of what we do.

Q: How would you restore professionalism to the office?
Thomas - This current auditor's office is playing politics. This auditor focuses on political gain. I will go into the Governor's office the same way I will go into other offices.
Montee - I don't think independence is a matter of party. This administration is playing a lot of politics. I believe the auditor's office is professional now.
Baum - Both political groups are so big and large it's almost impossible for them to be independent and objective.
Bunker - (Answer not recorded)

Q: Would you accuse any of your opponents as being incompetent?
Montee -Let's look at the facts. In Platte County, we've had an independent auditor attribute the problems to the county auditor. In my case in Buchanan County, the prosecutor and judge even said I had nothing to do with the problem.
Baum -I'd never consider any of my opponents to be incompetent.
Thomas - I believe competency is an issue in the race. In Platte county, there was a discrepancy found, but there was no missing money. As the auditor I did a good job in finding the problem. In Buchanan County, they use a different cash basis method that could lower their bond rating. This does speak to competency.
Bunker - I have no reason to believe anyone is not competent. I have no reason to believe any of my opponents would not be capable of the job.

Q: What's the most egregious use of taxpayer money that you have seen?
Baum - I can't single one out.
Thomas - A lot I've seen outrages me. I'd say the Springfield Municipal Court scandal would be one of the biggest. $1 million dollars just walked out of the building. The current state auditor had not been there since 2000. I'm concerned about the municipal system because they have a lot of cash there, and it can walk out the door.
Bunker - I'd like to look into electronic voting machines the state is buying. I don't think there has been enough cost-benefit analysis involved. We need to have a paper trail.
Montee - There's a laundry list of outrages. When the state cut Medicaid, we lost federal dollars. When we transferred fee offices to a no-bid system. The MOHELA sale. Regardless if it goes through, you will see an audit out of my office on MOHELA.

Q: If elected, would you pledge not to run for another office while you are serving as state auditor?
Thomas - If I'm in office, I will not run for another state office while I am auditor.
Bunker - I have no intention of seeking another office. I will serve the full length of my term.
Montee - I'm not a career politician. I plan to run again in four years. (She didn't rule out running for another office.)
Baum - (No answer recorded)

Q: How would you better use Missouri's Sunshine Law?
Montee - Most counties are not complying with the Sunshine Law. Most don't even understand it. They don't understand what is required so we need to better educate counties.
Baum - I've already decided when I'm elected, I'll have Susan (Montee) as my assistant.
Thomas -The counties don't understand the Sunshine Law and the auditor can help.
Bunker - I'll make sure the Sunshine Law has been adhered to.

Q: If elected, what is the first thing you would do?
Baum - Celebrate, I guess. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the office yet.
Thomas - I'd set a four year audit plan, make sure we are complying with all statues, look at risk of fraud and abuse and then pick and choose where to spend our time and resources. I'd focus on Medicaid, Education, Conservation and MoDot.
Bunker - I'd ask the staff to tell me what I need to know and focus on what they feel I need to do.
Montee - There are some issues with staffing of the Auditor's office. There are lots of diversity issues within the office. I'd try to hire more minorities on staff, and work to make sure the staff looks more like the state. I'd want to look for more CPAs. That's an area where we are struggling. I'd want to attract more people to the profession and work on retention.

Closing Statements:
Baum - This is the first office I've ever run for. I used to be a Democrat because they are supposed to be for the working man, but found out they were just out to get their votes. Then I looked at the Republican party, but they are not for smaller government at all. Government continues to grow in power and size and power corrupts. We need change, so vote for a Libertarian. If you vote Republican or Democrat, you get the same thing. They both eat out of the same trough. Don't throw away your vote, vote Libertarian.
Montee - This race is more about the party, it is about the person. It doesn't matter what party you are. What matters is working toward a specific goal. It's important that the auditor be an attorney because of the new funding formula for schools still in litigation. Challenges to fiscal notes require the experience of both a CPA and an attorney. What we have to do is make more with less. Keeping our books on a cash basis in Buchanan County is the best way to communicate with citizens.
Bunker - I will serve the full time as auditor. I'm not using this as a stepping stone. I'm not a career politician. I will not accept PAC money. I will eliminate wrong doing and waste immediately.
Thomas - This is a very important election. We can elect someone who will carry on with the politics as usual, or someone who will change things. I'll look into areas that have not have audits in recent past. I will aggressively seek out waste, fraud and abuse. I have a 12-year award winning record as an Auditor in Platte County. I disagree we need to have an attorney. We need someone who won't play politics.

Post-Interview with Thomas (I couldn't find where Montee went after the debate)
Thomas: I'm not surprised my opponent would bring up the $195,000 in Platte County. It's clearly not an issue. There is not any point in trying to point fingers. When you look at Montee's website, on every issue she bring up Claire McCaskill, issues that McCaskill has had in the past. She wants to continue with the current course. I want to change direction. I will not treat anyone different.

When asked about her reaction to the recent photo I.D. court ruling, Thomas replied, "I had not heard about it." She said she is not concerned about the impact.

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