Rep. Jim Viebrock's website, greets you with a song, that some call "cheesy." But if it bothers, you can get passed it quickly, just by clicking on a link.
Viebrock's site is equipped with weekly reports from his legislative work, although there is no May report to wrap-up the session's accomplishments and shortcomings. Just sifting through the monthly reports will tell you what Viebrock was working on, but won't tell you what actually got done. (Pssst . . . That's where we come in.)
The issues portion of the site highlights four topics. Viebrock is clearly most passionate about abortion and guns. He writes most extensively and dramatically on protecting the right of the unborn and fighting to keep your 2nd Amendment rights. His portion on education is less detailed, calling for a fully funded formula and pay raises for teachers.
The issue that tops the page is animal and owner protection. Using the Zobel horse case as a launching pad, Viebrock elaborates on a bill that he says would better protect animal owners. He says there are raids on ranches for suspected animal abuse, where the accused is not necessarily the owner. He says mere accusations can cause nightmares for well-respected animal lovers.
Viebrock's bill would not have allowed farm animals to be impounded until a veterinarian or the Department of Agriculture determined the animal was in "imminent danger." Viebrock argues impounding the animals only adds stress, and should not be done when the abuse claims are mere allegations.
That bill died back in April.
Viebrock sponsored 3 other bills this session:
One would have designated Table Rock Bridge to the late Senator Larry Taylor. It was referred to committee and died in February.
Another bill would have banned the use of electronic recording devices in polling places. That died.
A third bill would have required those convicted of crimes to pay for the costs of the investigation. It was referred to the Judiciary Committee on the final day of the session and never received a hearing.
Read Viebrock's report dated April 13, 2006. Specifically see the last paragraph where he talks about how the people affected were "minimally impacted" just as he promised. All the hubub, was because of the outlandish reports by the media.
When I contacted him about this statement, he tried defending it. However, I suggested that he actually meet with a man (who KY3 and News-leader covered) regarding these cuts. I told him that he would benefit by seeing someone with a severe disability who had to quit his job because of MAWD and now the individual is applying for more state services. I told him I would be glad to set up that meeting for him.
Viebrock stated said they were calling him to the floor and he needed to go. Here is the last aragraph from Viebrock's April 13, 2006 report for your convenience (from his website):
"Other stops this week included a visit to Daybreak in Springfield. Daybreak is an adult daycare facility also providing care for persons with disabilities. In the wake of our Social Services cuts last year, I wanted to see first hand the impact of those reductions. Regardless of the outlandish press reports that cried devastation and mayhem, these programs are still here, still functioning well and those relying on the services were minimally impacted just as we were promising during those reductions. As one of the Representatives who drew personal fire from the press during that time I am relieved to learn that our positions were not only right, but that those who were misled now know that they were indeed misled."
Viebrock has never been a shotgun legislator that puts out a ton a bills so he can say he passsed something. He does however fight for SW Missouri whenever STL or KC tries to musucle legislation that benifits them but harms us. Two years ago I worked in Jeff City as a staffer on the Senate side and even over there I heard how Viebrock was bucking even leadership when something was not good for his people. If I am not mistaken they even kicked him out of his office for it. Viebrock is a committeee/floor type legislator. He finds the bills that help his area and fights for them even if they were somebody elses. I was not there this year so I cannot speak for this session. But last session he worked hard that I can say for certain.
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