Tuesday, August 07, 2007

People Who Want to Vote on Building Codes Can't


Christian County voters will decide whether to have building codes today, but the county clerk tells the KY3 Political Notebook that some voters showing up to vote -- aren't allowed to help make that decision.

"We're having a lot of people show up from unincorporated areas of the county who want to vote on the building codes, but they can't, because they are people who live outside of the city limits," said Clerk Kay Brown. "People are unhappy about it," she said.

Overall, Brown reports light turnout so far. She is estimating around 10% countywide.

"It's an off-election year and it's August, so it's not heavy by any means," Brown said.

1 comment:

The Lorax said...


It wasn't on MY ballot because I WAS in incorporated Ozark.

Those who AREN'T incorporated get to vote on it.

And those in places like Fremont Hills get to vote on it. Just not city dwellers of Ozark.

Everyone else should have that chance.

Dave, did someone mess this up?