Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Alan Keyes To Rally Against Stem Cells in Springfield

Missouri Right to Life is bringing former presidential candidate Alan Keyes to Springfield next month to lead a rally against a ballot initiative to protect stem cell research.

It's being dubbed the "Springfield Area Christians Against Human Cloning" rally. It will be held on Thursday, September 21st from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Central Assembly of God at 1301 North Boonville Ave.

Joining Dr. Keyes will be Dr. Rick Scarborough of Vision America. Right to Life says Vision America works nationwide to mobilize pastors to speak out on issues relevant to culture.

For more information on the event, you can e-mail Right to Life's Dave Plemmons at


Takes two wings to fly straight said...

Republicans Jack Danforth, Roesann Bentley, Matt Blunt, Bill Frist and Nancy Reagan all support stem cell research. None have ever been condsidered liberal. They just don't always give in to the wishes of the extreme right wing part of the Republican party the way Alan Keyes, Jim Talent and Norma Champion do. Supporting stem cell research is not liberal. It is centrist. It is a shame the political right has tried to make opposing life saving research a "Christian issue. Good Christian Repubilcans and Democrats are being defamed by the anti stem cell effort. Our churches are once again being used as political pawns. Democrats who are Christians are used to the tactic. Anytime you disagree with the far right you are accused of being anti Christian and a dreaded liberal. Now the right wing Repubicans have turned on their own party.

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

Journeyer417- A good Christian cannot possibly support embyronic stem cell research. It is contrary to biblical doctrine no matter what the denomination. Thall shall not kill is the same in every church. God said before we were in the womb He knew us. Isaiah said that we are to protect from the shedding of innocent blood. What is more innocent then the unborn. That is a long answer to your short question for Bob but take it or leave it God says it is wrong and you can't serve two masters. You are either for Him or against Him

Bob it is a pastor's job to speak out on social issues that are sin. Just because a sin is political does not mean the church is to remain silent. The sad thing is pastors are gutless for the most part and only preach fluffy feel good messages like your best life now or thrity days of purpose. The pulpit was the platform for the American Revoultion. SO I am not sure how you can say it is not their purpose unless you yourself are a minister and your denomination makes that their dogma. I have been a minister for 5 years now and never shy away from political issues because they are hot button issues. In fact the pro life cause is one of the most important issues I speak on because the unborn has no voice. I hope all will vote no in November.

Takes two wings to fly straight said...

Are the people who currently discard cells that could be used for research committing murder? That seems to be what Bob and Chris are saying. Under stem cell reseach the cells would be used for reseach rather then merely being destroyed. I still don't see how it is murder to use the cells for reseach but okay to discard them. Has anyone ever been prosecuted for throwing out these cells? If not why criminalize their use in research?

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

pro-lifers are against SCNT and embryonic research. When those cells run out what will they use? Under their proposal they will then have to do SCNT. That is cloning and destroying life. If those cells have the combined chromosones it is life and against Missouri state law. So yes I am against discarding life and cloning

Rev Chris M Fluharty said...

We are- the line is drawn at conception. Missouri law protecs that and this iinitiative would destroy that law and allow murder in the name of science.